Simple Ways to Eliminate Acne on the Backs

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Acne is not only about the face. Acne problems can also attack in the back area. Not only disturbing appearance, acne on the back if left unchecked will cause irritation. Beauty experts mention that one of the causes of acne on your back is the cleanliness factor.Keeping your back clean is very important. Avoid wearing clothes and bras that have been used in one day because it can cause excessive sweating and causing germs and bacteria that cause acne. To get rid of acne on the back you can take advantage of oatmeal.Here is how to use oatmeal to get rid of acne, as reported by namely:Material:oatmealHow to make:

Puree until smooth oatmeal.
Put the oatmeal that has been refined into a clean cloth, tie.
Put the oatmeal bath.
Let stand for 20 minutes.
When water and oatmeal completely fused use the water for bathing.
To get good results doing this treatment once a week.Oatmeal is very good for skin health. Routine treatment with oatmeal will help your skin smoother and softer. Good luck.

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