Down 50 Kg, Mom's Make furor With Photos Before-After His diet

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Typically, a mother of three was no longer so concerned with her body shape because it was busy taking care of children. But that's not what made this mother of three named Sarah Reynolds below.
At first Sarah did not dispute that his body began to swell and a lot of fat to accumulate. After the photo is uploaded and tagged in a Facebook account that shows a collection of photographs of women are not attractive, it also seemed aware disentil and to maintain good health and shape.
After he removes the tag from the account, although offended, but this seemed to be a warning to him. He was embarrassed to see the photo and ultimately determined to change. Women 31 years appeared surprisingly late with drastic changes in her body.
She uploaded her picture already slim on Facebook and said that he lost 50 kg of body weight. Formerly, after giving birth to her third child, she weighed 225 pounds, or about 102 kg. He began changing his diet, reducing fast food, sugary drinks and limit snacking.
It lived not easy. He must balance his activities with child care, home and planned to live a healthy diet. The most difficult thing he faced when dieting is cravings. Even so, he remains motivated again if you see her picture on Facebook some time ago.
With all this activity becomes a mother, she began doing regular exercise for 30 minutes, reduce carbs and shift to eat vegetables and fruit. He began to establish a commitment to change, to always pay attention to exercise and food intake. Whatever happens, he will do it because he knew there was nothing that could change it but himself.
He also worked and this activity helped him stay active. When shopping with children too, he always stressed to select and purchase healthy foods, which make the body strong, and energy to their children. He avoids the word 'fat', 'fat' or 'diet', he did not want his children a bad mindset.
After he lost weight, he began doing exercises tighten the muscles so as not sagged. Her children are now also used to seeing the sport, he said it was a good lesson. Children to see what their parents do, they learn about it.
Now, he no longer felt the weight of leading a healthy life. It's actually fun. He also claimed to be a woman more excited once so happy mother with her lighter and healthier.

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