Mask Recipe To Putihkan Vagina Naturally

Mask Recipe To Putihkan Vagina Naturally
Beauty sex organs also need to be considered Ladies. If during this time the woman is more concerned with taking care of the body and face, then now is the vagina also be aware of her beauty. For those who lack confidence with Miss V they could try to bleach to mask this natural DIY Ladies.
The following ingredients is very natural and safe to Miss V is extremely sensitive. Therefore, as reported by you can choose the ingredients as follows:

lemon juice
rice powder

Ladies Quite easy, you just mix all the ingredients had become a mask to form like bread dough. When the natural mask is formed and apply on Miss V dark. Let stand until dry and wash with special soap and water area of ​​femininity.
Milk as acidic substances in this material can peel off dead skin cells causes the dark color on Miss V. Yogurt with millions of good bacteria it contains are able to keep the passage of air to the skin of Miss V. Meanwhile, lemon and turmeric are known as antioxidants that can make skin brighter , Rice powder itself will maintain the freshness of Miss V. Therefore, this herb is very good for beauty care intimmu Ladies organs. Good luck ya.

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