Really Eels Could Boost Female Sexual Arousal?

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Libido or sexual desire certainly has a very important role in the quality of the intimate relationship of a couple. Couples who have an intimate relationship quality will certainly reach households Ladies super romantic. Some households there are devastated because the relationship of husband and wife in bed less qualified.
Here Vemale will try to discuss the food that can be consumed by women in order to increase libido. Reported by, Japanese people believe that eels can stimulate arousal and sexual desire.Quite easy Ladies. You just need to eat eel on a regular basis at least once in 3 days. Not only can increase sexual arousal alone, eels are also believed to increase milk production. So for breastfeeding mothers are also advised to eat lots of meat eel.

5 cloves garlic
3 eels
1 tablespoon of pure honey
How to make:

Grilled eel until dry and finely crushed.
Roasted garlic and puree well.
Mix the two and take 1 tbsp.
Pour the powder with 1 cup of boiled water and add the honey.
Regular consumption for maximum results.
It is easy not Ladies? Good luck!

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